Kamis, 08 April 2010

Infeksi pada Vagina sangat berbahaya .

hati hati yak kalo infeksi yg sudah parah sangat berbahaya karena mengarah ke kanker servik
infeksi vagina yg biasa dirasakan wanita
- keputihan yg berlebihan bahkan cenderung berubah ke warna gelap
- sakit perut saat haid yg mampu membuat anda tidak bisa beraktifitas
- terlambat datang haid di waktu yg sangat lama (khusus ini harap berhati2)
- gatal yg berlebihan menyebabkan kutil atau iritasi
- pinggul yg sering sakit saat haid namun terlalu berlebihan

inilah infeksi yg disebut biasa oleh para wanita, bagi anda yg benar2 mau menjaga kebersihan vagina anda, percayakan pada kami selama
2-10 minggu, ikuti aturan terapy yg kami anjurkan dalam penggunaan panty dan pembalut yg kami sarankan,
mungkin sekali lagi terkesan kami berjualan, tapi kami minta kerja samanya pada setiap wanita indonesia
dicoba dan buktikan apa yg kami sarankan setelah itu, mari sama2 sharing kesembuhan anda semua pada kami

agar kesaksian anda, bisa berarti bagi teman2 kita yg masih ragu, bingung, dan tidak perduli, dan sebagainya
biasa dikarenakan wanita tersebut sudah mencoba berbagai cara untuk sembuh namun tidak berhasil, beri kami kesempatan untuk membantu anda,
ini semua dilakukan karena
Risiko berkembangnya infeksi menjadi kanker serviks adalah lima kali lebih tinggi pada wanita yang menjalankan deteksi dini secara teratur. “Kanker serviks yang ditemukan pada stadium dini dan diobati dengan cepat dan tepat dapat disembuhkan, oleh sebab itu lakukan deteksi dini secara berkala.Dan perlu Anda tahu bahwa vaksinasi/ pencegahan dengan pembalut ini secara dini dan juga dengan deteksi dini menggunakan alat test yg disediakan
bersama-sama dapat mengurangi kejadian kanker serviks secara teratur,”

karena saat ini setiap jam , ada wanita yg meninggal karena kanker servik

Penyebab kanker serviks

penyebab kanker leher rahim ini adalah :
1.HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
HPV adalah suatu virus yang dapat menyebabkan terjadinya kutil pada daerah genital (kondiloma akuminata), yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual. HPV sering diduga sebagai penyebab terjadinya perubahan yang abnormal dari sel-sel leher rahim.
2. Merokok
3. Hubungan seksual pertama dilakukan pada usia dini
4. Berganti-ganti pasangan seksual
5. Gangguan sistem kekebalan tubuh
6. Pemakaian pil KB
7. Infeksi pemakaian bahan kimia secara menahun
8. Penggunaan pembalut yg kualitasnya rendah kalo bisa 1 hari ganti 2 x .
9. penggunaan bahan kimia yg terlalu berlebihan untuk rahim vagina
10. pembiarancuek terhadap masalah2 miss v yg sudah berlebihan contohnya keputihan yg berlebihan

makannya kalo bisa cewek gag usah ngrokok yak ....

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Marble Flooring For Houses Minimalist

In order to always shine, polished marble floors must regularly. Using machine marble polishing or crystallization is the best solution, but the cost is too expensive nah better try contacting your marble crystallization service. next
Actually there are way cheaper and easier to polish your marble floor again for example by crystallization of marble. First, mops the floor with floor cleaning liquid or by crystallization of the floor. When dry, apply the cream crystallization floor normally used to polish your car body to the entire surface of the marble floor. Wait some time to let it sink polishing cream. next
After it is enough to sink in, polishing or polishing marble terrazzo floors with dishwasher coir (the green sponge) until cream completely lost. Clean ex-cream with a broom, and mop the floor as usual. If you are diligent in repeating the polishing marble or terrazzo polishing this step once every 2-3 months, your marble floors will always kinclong like new.

Back Shines Marble Floor Design

In order to always shine, polished marble floors and marble should terrazzo polishing regularly. Using a polishing machine marble and terrazzo polishing is the best solution, but it is too expensive.
Actually there are way cheaper and easier to polish your marble floor again. First, mops the floor with liquid floor cleaner. When dry, apply a cream that is used to polish your car body to the entire surface of the marble floor or you can contact the service restoration and marble crystallization service. Wait some time to let it sink polishing cream.
Once is enough sink, marble floor with scouring pads sink (green sponge) until the cream really missing it could also restoration services and marble crystallization service. Clean ex-cream with a broom, and mop the floor as usual. If you are diligent to repeat this step once every 2-3 months, your marble floors will always kinclong like new.

Marble Care Equipment

There are many types of marble that circulated in Indonesia, both local and imported. Local ones such as marble and Tulungagung Citatah. While the imports mostly from China, India and Italy. Quality local and imported marble is relatively the same. The difference is only on cutting techniques / scrub, the selection of raw material (the older the material the better cadasnya stone marble product) and variant colors. Marble Polishing should be done regularly, once a 3 or 6 months.
Imported marble color variants richer than local. But, wherever arising, indeed Oye marble for floor or wall coatings: hard, lasting, beautiful, magnificent, kinclong, and makes the room so cool. The older the age of the home looks more beautiful marble proper placement and maintenance of polished marble conducted periodically. Just look at the marble buildings of the past.
Taking care of marble should be painstaking because the marble is sensitive to changes in the weather, chemicals and other liquids. Therefore the first rule, do not use marble for the house that often get wet and hot. You see, the content of salts and other compounds in rain water can make it opaque marble at the top. Second, if the marble spilled coffee, milk, ink or chemical immediately before the dry cloth. Third, care and polish your marble regularly.


For maintenance and polishing marble enough to mop daily. The liquid sample may be used for ceramics. But, for optimal results we recommend using marble polishing liquid special mop sold in supermarkets, said Hilda from PT Heritage Marble Indahraya (Pumarin), manufacturer of marble Citatah (Bandung).
Before Dipel or marble polishing marble clean of dust and sand. If there is still sand paste, marble can be scratched as Dipel. For that use a soft cloth. Use a mop and polish marble fluid according the recommended servings in the product packaging. Usually one pill bottle cap liquid mixed with three liters of clean water.
examples :

Floor Maintenance

The floor is part of the building that require special attention, because this involves the assessment of the cleanliness and the image of the building as a whole. Therefore, the floor is one of the assets of the building should be maintained with regular maintenance.
Johnson provides a system and a complete floor care products and matched to one another, as needed.
Care system is distinguished by the type of floor :
1. vinyl flooring
2. terazzo/semen
3. marmer flooring
4. kayu (parquet) flooring

In general, for all four types of floors can be applied to the basic steps are the same, namely:
1. Stripping
Stripping is the first step in floor care that must be applied to almost any type of floor (except carpet). Done as preparation before the floor was given protective coating. Stripping was carried out using materials called stripper, serves to lift all the dirt including the old wax layer.

2. Sealing
Sealing done after the floor in a state of really clean, free from all kinds of dirt and old wax layers. Material for this stage is called a sealer, serves to close the pores of the floor and protects the floor against seepage of spilled liquids, so the floor became easier to clean.

3. Finishing
Finishing is done as the final stage in the process of general cleaning (stripping, sealing, finishing). Floor finish layer, to protect against friction shoes, foot desk / chair, and other objects that pass through the floor that may cause scratches which damage the floor if the floor is not protected.
Products Floor finish: grade traffic, traffic liquid wax, terrashine, New complete.

4. Daily cleaning & maintaining
Daily cleaning is a step that must be done regularly every day, according to traffic / flows across the floor. Cleaning floors regularly required to maintain the cleanliness and beauty of the floor. Because living in dirt floor surface will not stay silent in one place, but will be carried away by currents passing through the floor, littered the entire surface of the floor that many impassable.
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