Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

Welcome to Website

Porzia Marble is a shop that was established in 2006, although not too long in this field we have participated in various prestigious projects such as development of apartments, shopping centers, hotels and housing on the board, and Supported by human resources experience, modern machinery . it is not so big that we store tempati but here we provide various kinds of marble and granite are both local ato import, not the views of the big / small a shop, but in terms of sales alhamdulila we have to do sales in different cities, even outside the nation such as Korea, japan, singapore. Here, we also provide installation, pemolesan, crystallization your marble or granite. We also provide motif2 marble / granite. installation of granite for stairs, walls and bathroom. this example there are some kinds of marble.

You can search for information about marble and marble can order directly by visiting the :

Jl.pondok Cabe raya di depan lapangan terbang layang
Tep. 081310557388

email : pp_basuki@yahoo.com

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