Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

Artikel Materi

Kanker Rahim / Kanker Serviks

kanker leher rahim adalah tumor ganas yang tumbuh di daerah leher rahim (serviks), yaitu suatu daerah pada organ reproduksi wanita yang merupakan pintu masuk ke arah rahim yang terletak antara rahim (uterus) dan liang senggama (vagina). Dan ini sangat berbahaya dan bisa membuat dokter mengambil langkah, mengangkat rahim kita bisa menyebabkan kematian.
Gejala penyakit ini adalah :
Keputihan yang berlebihan.
Perdarahan pada saat hubungan seksual
Ulkus pada porsio
Pada stadium lanjut terjadi fistel (hubungan) antara rektum dan vagina, terjadi perpindahan jauh.
Berkurangnya nafsu makan, penurunan berat badan, kelelahan,, nyeri pinggul ,punggung dan tungkai yg berlebihan , keluarnya air kemih dan tinja dari vagina, Patah tulang, sbd bahkan keputihan yg berlebihan atau sakit perut yg biasa terjadi pun bisa menjadi gejala, karena itu artinya ada yg salah di dalah rahim anda, karena menurut survey itu adalah suatu kondisi yg tidak boleh terjadi, meskipun banyak wanita yg mengatakan itu adalah hal biasa, namun sekali lagi kami tekankan, yg menjadikan penyakit itu biasa diantara wanita2 indonesia adalah penggunaan produk lokal yg tidak berkualitas bahkan cenderung merusak organ penting, makanya disini sangat disarankan berikan yg terbaik untuk vagina anda, karena itu lebih penting dari segalanya.

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Batu Onix

Senin, 11 Mei 2009



Jumat, 08 Mei 2009

Annual Marble Care

To remain kinclong marble granite perwatan require daily, monthly and yearly. There are many types of marble circulating in Indonesia, both local and imported. For example the local marble and granite Citatah Tulungagung. While most of the imports from China, Italy and India. Quality local and imported marble relatively the same. The difference is only on the technical cutting / scrubbing services by poles, the selection of raw materials (the old stones of the better products cadasnya marble granitnya) and color variants. Variant color marble granite import more rather than the local rich. But, from any origin, marble Marble is for Oye pelapis floor or wall: hard, durable, beautiful, magnificent, kinclong, and make room so Adem. The older age of the beautiful marble Marble original appearance appropriate placement and treatment services performed by the poles. See the marble buildings DOELOE tempo. Caring for marble marble because the patient must be sensitive to changes in the weather, chemicals and other liquids. Therefore the first rule, do not use marble for the house that is often rainy and hot. Soalnya, uterus and salt compound in the rain water can make the marble in the opaque part. Second, if the marble is exposed to spill coffee, milk, ink or chemicals immediately before dry cloth. Third, your marble treated regularly.

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

Batu Alam

Minggu, 05 April 2009

Service processing

Here, we provide services in processing marble are:
* Services Supplier Services
* Installation of wall and floor Repolishing
* mentenane Services Renovation Services Inlay
* motif
* Design Services
* Built crystallization Services
* Interior and Exterior

and are a lot of processing the other.

Minggu, 08 Maret 2009

Treatment Daily Marble

To remain kinclong marble granite perwatan require daily, monthly and yearly. There are many types of marble circulating in Indonesia, both local and imported. For example the local marble and granite Citatah Tulungagung. While most of the imports from China, Italy and India. Quality local and imported marble relatively the same. The difference is only on the technical cutting / scrubbing services by poles, the selection of raw materials (the old stones of the better products cadasnya marble granitnya) and color variants. Variant color marble granite import more rather than the local rich. But, from any origin, marble Marble is for Oye pelapis floor or wall: hard, durable, beautiful, magnificent, kinclong, and make room so Adem. The older age of the beautiful marble Marble original appearance appropriate placement and treatment services performed by the poles. See the marble buildings DOELOE tempo. Caring for marble marble because the patient must be sensitive to changes in the weather, chemicals and other liquids. Therefore the first rule, do not use marble for the house that is often rainy and hot. Soalnya, uterus and salt compound in the rain water can make the marble in the opaque part. Second, if the marble is exposed to spill coffee, milk, ink or chemicals immediately before dry cloth. Third, your marble treated regularly.

Pill and Poles

To care enough to mengepelnya daily. Liquid polish marble tablet to be used. However, for optimal results we recommend using a special liquid polish marble tablet which is sold in many supermarkets, Before dipel clean Marble renewal of dust and sand. Marble renewal if there is still sand paste, marble can graze at dipel. To use the polish granite floorcloth soft. Use liquid polish granite tablet according to the portion of the recommended products in the packaging. Usually a closed fluid pill bottles mixed with three liters of water.

Welcome to Website

Porzia Marble is a shop that was established in 2006, although not too long in this field we have participated in various prestigious projects such as development of apartments, shopping centers, hotels and housing on the board, and Supported by human resources experience, modern machinery . it is not so big that we store tempati but here we provide various kinds of marble and granite are both local ato import, not the views of the big / small a shop, but in terms of sales alhamdulila we have to do sales in different cities, even outside the nation such as Korea, japan, singapore. Here, we also provide installation, pemolesan, crystallization your marble or granite. We also provide motif2 marble / granite. installation of granite for stairs, walls and bathroom. this example there are some kinds of marble.

You can search for information about marble and marble can order directly by visiting the :

Jl.pondok Cabe raya di depan lapangan terbang layang
Tep. 081310557388

email : pp_basuki@yahoo.com
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